July 2, 2024
9:30 A.M.
The Commissioners Court of Williamson County, Texas will meet in regular session in the Commissioners Courtroom, 710 Main Street, in Georgetown, Texas to consider the following items:
1. Review and approval of minutes.
Hear County Auditor concerning invoices, bills, Quick Check Report, wire transfers and electronic payments submitted for payment and take appropriate action including, but not limited to approval for payment provided said items are found by the County Auditor to be legal obligations of the county.
The Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that the Court may act on with one single vote. The Judge or a Commissioner may pull any item from the consent agenda in order that the court discuss and act upon it individually as part of the Regular Agenda.
( Items 3 – 17 )
3.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for the District Attorney's Office. Click to View
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
From 0100.0440.004100 Professional Services $10,000.00
To 0100.0440.004236 Extraditions $10,000.00
4.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for Justice of the Peace, PCT. 1 Click to View
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
From 0100.0451.004192 Transportation/Autopsies 5,816.00
To 0100.0451.004190 Autopsies, Med Inquests 5,816.00
5.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for Pretrial Services.  Click to View
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
From 0100.0591.004100 Professional Services $2,500.00
To 0100.0591.003120 Printer Supplies $2,500.00
6.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for Juvenile Services. Click to View
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
From 0100.0576.004102 Residential Services $3,000.00
To 0100.0576.005003 Equipment > $5,000.00 $3,000.00
7.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for the Williamson County Sheriff's Office. Click to View
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
FROM: 0100.0560.003008 Law Enforcement Equip < $5,000 $15,600.00
TO: 0100.0560.005000 Capital Outlay > $5,000 $15,600.00
K9 Replacement
8.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for the Corrections Department. Click to View
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
From 0100.0570.003010 Computer Equipment $6,000.00
To 0100.0570.003100 Office Supplies $6,000.00
9.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for Facilities. Click to View
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
From 0100.0509.004990 Solid Waste Mgmt/Recycling $6,336.28
To 0100.0509.001107 Temp Labor - Seasonal Help $5,886.00
To 0100.0509.002010 FICA $450.28
10.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving compensation changes, position title changes, position grade changes, and any corresponding line item transfers. Click to View
11.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on authorizing the disposal of various county vehicles(s) and equipment assets through Auction, pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 263.152.   Click to View
VSC Assets for Auction for June
12.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on acknowledging the Purchasing Department monthly report of asset dispositions through Auction, pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 263.152, for the period of 6/01/2024 through 6/31/2024. Click to View
Auction Asset Report for June
13.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on acknowledging the Purchasing Department monthly report of asset dispositions through Destruction, pursuant to Tx. Local Gov’t Code 263.152, for the period of 06/01/2024 through 06/31/2024.  Click to View
Assets for Destruction Monthly Report for June 05.27.24
14.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on acknowledging the Purchasing Department monthly report of asset dispositions through Transfer, pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 263.152, for the period of 05/01/2024-05/31/2024. Click to View
Assets for Transfer Monthly Report 06.01.24
15.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on approving a Sister City Agreement between Williamson County, Texas and Yong-in Special City, ROK and authorize the County Judge to execute same.   Click to View
16.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a request for the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter to accept a scholarship from Petco Love for education through Penn Foster. Click to View
Petco Love/Penn Foster
17.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approval of amendment #2 to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) as per RFSQ #22RFSQ100 with Dr. Tania Glenn, TsyD, LCSW, CTS for Psychiatric Services, to increase the not-to-exceed amount to $70,000.00 and authorizing the execution of the amendment. Click to View
Tania Glenn Amendment #2
Form 1295 Tania Glenn
18.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving a Resolution to celebrate veteran Archie Moczygemba for his 100th birthday and to recognize him for his 22 years of service to the United States of America. Click to View
Archie Moczygemba
19.   Discuss and hear an update regarding Williamson County Fair and presentation of 2024 Williamson County Fair Scholarships Click to View
20.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on the selection of a salary grievance committee, including alternates. Click to View
Salary Grievance Committee List
21.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a policy exception for a position change for Emergency Medical Services. Click to View
22.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on establishing the County Holiday Schedule for FY 2024/2025. Click to View
Proposed Holiday Schedule
23.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action to approve a subrecipient grant agreement between Williamson County and Coupland Water Supply Corporation for infrastructure improvements to public water and wastewater systems serving the community for reimbursement under The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Click to View
Coupland Water Supply ARPA contract
24.   Discuss and consider Texas Secretary of State Election Advisory No. 2024-21 regarding updated election ballot numbering requirements for the November 5, 2024 election.  Click to View
Texas SOS Advisory
25.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action approving the Contract for Ballot on Demand Equipment and Software from ES&S. Click to View
ES&S BOD Agreement
26.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving #2024215 Professional Consulting Services Agreement between Williamson County and Berry Dunn for solicitation support for the county's enterprise resource planning system replacement in the not to exceed amount of $146,900.00 utilizing the cooperative contract TIPS RFP 230601 and authorizing the execution of the Agreement. Click to View
Form 1295
27.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on a Supplemental Agreement for Geotechnical/Construction Materials Test Engineering Services between Williamson County and Raba Kistner, Inc. relating to the new Wilco headquarters (P577). Click to View
Wilco HQ-P577_Raba Kistner
28.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for Construction Materials Test Engineering Services between Williamson County and Raba Kistner, Inc. relating to the new Wilco headquarters (P577). Click to View
Wilco HQ-P577_Raba Kistner
29.   Receive and acknowledge approval of Change Order No. 1 from PaveConnect Logistics, LLC for the Taylor Annex parking lot Project in the amount of $13,575.61, which was approved by Williamson County Facilities Senior Project Manager, Angel Gomez pursuant to the Commissions Court's prior delegation of change order approval authority pursuant to Loc. Gov't. Code Sec. 262.031. Click to View
Taylor Annex Parking Lot Repave_PaveConnect_CO1
30.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on awarding IFB #24IFB50 General Roadway Cast-in-Place Concrete to RHB Construction, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $550,000.00 and authorizing execution of the agreement. Click to View
Recommendation Letter
Bid Tabulation
Form 1295 - RHB Construction Inc
31.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on approving IFB #24IFB55 with Alpha Paving Services LLC for Cul-de-Sac and Straight Section – Fog Seal Spring 2024 for the Road and Bridge Division in the amount of $347,346.25 and authorize execution of this agreement. Click to View
Contract for Alpha Paving Industries
Recommendation letter
Bid tab
Form 1295 Alpha Paving
32.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on awarding #24RFSQ11 Engineering Services for Williamson County Road Bond Project CR 123 Bridge to Doucet and Associates, Inc. in the maximum amount payable of one-million two hundred thousand dollars ($1,200,000.00) and authorize execution of the agreement. The funding source is Road Bonds P682. Click to View
Doucet and Associates Inc Contract
Recommendation Letter
Form 1295 Doucet and Associates Inc
33.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action regarding a Nationwide Permit 14 Pre-construction Notification (NWP14 PCN) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).  The application is required as part of the Due Diligence Environmental Investigations for the CR 255 Improvements Project in Commissioner Pct. 3.    Project: P546  Funding Source: Road & Bridge Click to View
CR 255 - USACE NWP 14 Application - SWF-2023-00430
34.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action regarding Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $9,568.50 for Project 23IFB67 Corridor C - SH 29 (Capital Excavation) P: 459 Funding Source: Road Bond. Click to View
35.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action regarding Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $229,702.00 for Project 24IFB15 Liberty Hill Bypass (Chasco Constructors) P: 346 Funding Source: Road Bond. Click to View
36.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action regarding the Center for Archeological Research (CAR) Governmental Agency Curation Agreement for the Ronald Reagan Widening project, a Road Bond Project in Commissioner Pct. 2. P336 Click to View
37.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a revised Memorandum of Traffic Control Improvements Agreement with K29 1941 Investments, LP, and Highway 29 Commercial, LLC., which was previously approved under Agenda Item 42 of the June 18, 2024, Commissioners Court session. Click to View
38.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving a variance request to the Williamson County Subdivision Regulations from Empire Continental for the Flora Phase 1A Section 3 & Section 4 subdivisions – Precinct 4. Click to View
variance request – Flora Ph 1A Sec 3 & Sec 4
39.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving a variance request to the Williamson County Subdivision Regulations from Allpoints Land Survey, Inc. on behalf of Westin Homes for Lots 17-18, Block A, and Lot 18, Block B of the Nolina Phase 1 Section 1 subdivision – Precinct 3. Click to View
variance request letter – Allpoints Land Survey on behalf of Westin Homes
plot plans – Lots 17-18 Blk A and Lot 18 Blk B of the Nolina Ph 1 Sec 1
40.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action authorizing the County Judge to execute a Chapter 312 Tax Abatement Agreement with LaBatt Industries.  Click to View
41.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a right of entry agreement with Linda I. Strong, Jon P. Strong and Michael Alan Strong for property located on CR 143. Funding Source: LRTP P457 Click to View
42.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a real estate contract with Brandy Lynn Powell f/k/a Brandy Lynn Weaver to acquire 1.180 acres of right of way needed on the CR 255 project. Funding Source: TANS P588 Click to View
43.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Georgetown regarding a shared use path along Berry Creek. Funding Source: 2023 Park Bonds P647 Click to View
44.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action to accept a donation special warranty deed from Schwertner Farms, Inc. for 3.298 acres on CR 305.  Click to View
"The Commissioners Court for Williamson County reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultations with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations regarding Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations regarding Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations regarding Security Devices) and 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development Negotiations)."
45.   Discuss real estate matters (EXECUTIVE SESSION as per VTCA Govt. Code sec. 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Estate Property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with third person.)
A.    Real Estate Owned by Third Parties
   Preliminary discussions relating to the proposed or potential purchase or lease of property owned by third parties
        a)   Discuss the acquisition of real property: CR 332
        b)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for CR 143
        c)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for County Facilities.
        d)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for CR 255. 
        e)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for SH 195 @ Ronald Reagan.
         f)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for future SH 29 corridor. 
        g)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Hero Way.
        h)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for E. Wilco Highway.
         i)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Corridor A. 
         j)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Corridor B     
        k)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Corridor C.
         l)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Corridor D.
       m)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Corridor E.
        n)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Corridor F
        o)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Corridor H
        p)   Discuss the acquisition of right of way for Corridor J.
        q)   Discuss the acquisition of right of way for Corridor K.
         r)   Discuss the acquisition of right of way for Corridor I.
        s)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Ronald Reagan Widening.
         t)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for CR 313.
        u)   Discuss the acquisition of right of way for Bagdad Road/CR 279.
        v)   Discuss the acquisition of right of way for CR 314. 
        w)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for the Seward Junction Loop   
         x)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for CR 110N
         y)   Discuss acquisition of real property located near 6531 RM 2243, Leander, Texas 
         z)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for the Long Range Transportation Plan. 

B.   Property or Real Estate owned by Williamson County
      Preliminary discussions relating to proposed or potential sale or lease of property owned by the County
    a)    Discuss County owned real estate containing underground water rights and interests.
    b)    Discuss possible uses of property owned by Williamson County on Main St. between 3rd and 4th Streets. (Formerly occupied by WCCHD)        
    c)    Sale of property located 747 County Rd. 138 Hutto, Texas
    d)    Discuss Blue Springs Blvd. property
Click to View
46.   Discussion regarding economic development negotiations pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.087:
        Business prospect(s) that may locate or expand within Williamson County.
  a) Project Skyfall  
  b) Project Soul Train  
  c) Project School Bus
  d) Project Lunch Lady
Click to View
47. Discuss security assessments or deployments relating to information resources technology; network security information as described by Texas Gov’t Code Section 2059.055(b); and/or (3)  the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel, critical infrastructure, or security devices. (Executive Session as per Texas Gov’t. Code § 551.089).
48. Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline and/or dismissal of Williamson County officers, directors, employees and/or positions, including but not limited to conducting deliberation and discussion pertaining to annual reviews of department heads and appointed officials (Executive Session as per Tex. Gov. Code Section 551.074 – Personnel Matters).
49. Discuss the deployment or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices; or security audits in relation to the Williamson County Justice Center/Williamson County Courthouse (Executive Session as per Texas Gov’t. Code § 551.076).
50. Discuss pending or contemplated litigation, settlement matters and other confidential attorney-client legal matters (EXECUTIVE SESSION as per Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, "Consultation with Attorney"), including the following:

a. General:
1. Litigation or claims or potential litigation or claims against the County or by the County
2. Status Update-Pending Cases or Claims
3. Employee/personnel related matters
4. Other confidential attorney-client matters, including contracts and certain matters related to county defense issues in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body within the attorney/client relationship clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
b. Litigation:
1.   Cause No. 19-0850-C368; County of Williamson vs. Purdue Pharma, LP et al., In the District Court of Williamson County, Texas/County of Williamson v. Purdue Pharma, L.P., et al., MDL PRETRIAL CAUSE NO. 2018-63587, in the 152d District Court of Harris County, Texas. 
2.   Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00074-LY; Scott Phillip Lewis v. Williamson County, Texas; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
3.   Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00374-RP; Gary Watsky v. Williamson County, Texas, and Robert Chody, Mark Luera, Steve Deaton, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
4.   Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00615-LY; Bernardo Acosta v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
5.   Cause No. 22-0159-C395; Gary Watsky v.  Mike Gleason, et al.; In the 395th District Court of Williamson County, Texas
6.   Civil Action No. 1:22-cv-00254-RP; Rodney A. Hurdsman, #0217082 v. Mike Gleason, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
7.   Cause No. 22-2067-C395; Chauncy Williams v. Williamson County Attorney's Office Victim Services Division, et al.; In the 395th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
8.   Civil Action No. 4:22-cv-00576-P; Kyle Strongin, et al. v. Williamson County, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas
9.   Cause No. 22-1213-C425; Williamson County, Texas v. Ritter Botkin Prime Construction Company, Inc. and Argonaut Insurance Company; In the 425th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
10. Cause No. 22-1359-C368; Williamson County, Texas v. Ritter, Botkin Prime Construction Company, Inc. and Great American Insurance Company of New York; In the 368th Judicial Court of Williamson County, Texas
11. Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-00019; Cindy McNatt, individually and as dependent administrator of Estate of Joshua Ray McNatt, et al. v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
12. Cause No. 23-0297-C368; Texas Fair Defense Project v. Williamson County Sheriff’s Office; In the 368th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas 
13. Cause No. 23-0612-C395; Kirsten Davis v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the 395th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
14. Cause No. 23-1061-C368; Heather Lorenzen v. Williamson County; In the 368th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
15. Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-01120; Jeremy Story v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
16.  Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-01117-RP; Adam Mirelez #02413581 v. Llano County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
17.  Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-01223-RP; Siddharth Kode v. Williamson County; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division 
18.  Civil Action No. 1:24-cv-00086; Kailey Padilla v. Daniel Osvaldo Perez and Williamson County; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division 
19.  Civil Action No. 1:24-cv-00318-DII; Laura Pressley et al. v. Jane Nelson et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
20.  Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-00759-RP; Derrick Neal v. Williamson County and Cities Health District, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
21.  Cause No. 23-2583-C480; Chauncy Williams v. Adrianne Pernell, et al.; In the 480th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
22.  Cause No. 3-2566-C480; Williamson County, Texas v. DM Medical Billings, LLC and Dina Mueller; In the 480th Judicial District Court; Williamson County, Texas
c.  Administrative Complaints:
1.  EEOC Charge No. 451-2023-00766 - K.B
d. Claims:
1.  Claim No. 07192023-560-109 - auto liability claim by Edge Electric, Inc. for incident occurring on or about 7/19/2023 
e. Other:
1.  Legal matters relating to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Final Rule Designating Critical Habitat for the Georgetown and Salado Salamanders.
2.  Legal matters pertaining to tax exemptions for private apartment developers under 303.042(f) of the Texas Local Government Code.
REGULAR AGENDA (continued)
51. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning economic development.
52. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning real estate.
53. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on pending or contemplated litigation, settlement matters and other legal matters, including the following:

a. General:
1. Litigation or claims or potential litigation or claims against the County or by the County
2. Status Update-Pending Cases or Claims
3. Employee/personnel related matters
4. Other confidential attorney-client matters, including contracts and certain matters related to county defense issues in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body within the attorney/client relationship clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
b. Litigation:
1.   Cause No. 19-0850-C368; County of Williamson vs. Purdue Pharma, LP et al., In the District Court of Williamson County, Texas/County of Williamson v. Purdue Pharma, L.P., et al., MDL PRETRIAL CAUSE NO. 2018-63587, in the 152d District Court of Harris County, Texas. 
2.   Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00074-LY; Scott Phillip Lewis v. Williamson County, Texas; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
3.   Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00374-RP; Gary Watsky v. Williamson County, Texas, and Robert Chody, Mark Luera, Steve Deaton, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
4.   Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00615-LY; Bernardo Acosta v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
5.   Cause No. 22-0159-C395; Gary Watsky v.  Mike Gleason, et al.; In the 395th District Court of Williamson County, Texas
6.   Civil Action No. 1:22-cv-00254-RP; Rodney A. Hurdsman, #0217082 v. Mike Gleason, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
7.   Cause No. 22-2067-C395; Chauncy Williams v. Williamson County Attorney's Office Victim Services Division, et al.; In the 395th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
8.   Civil Action No. 4:22-cv-00576-P; Kyle Strongin, et al. v. Williamson County, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas
9.   Cause No. 22-1213-C425; Williamson County, Texas v. Ritter Botkin Prime Construction Company, Inc. and Argonaut Insurance Company; In the 425th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
10. Cause No. 22-1359-C368; Williamson County, Texas v. Ritter, Botkin Prime Construction Company, Inc. and Great American Insurance Company of New York; In the 368th Judicial Court of Williamson County, Texas
11. Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-00019; Cindy McNatt, individually and as dependent administrator of Estate of Joshua Ray McNatt, et al. v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
12. Cause No. 23-0297-C368; Texas Fair Defense Project v. Williamson County Sheriff’s Office; In the 368th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas 
13. Cause No. 23-0612-C395; Kirsten Davis v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the 395th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
14. Cause No. 23-1061-C368; Heather Lorenzen v. Williamson County; In the 368th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
15. Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-01120; Jeremy Story v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
16.  Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-01117-RP; Adam Mirelez #02413581 v. Llano County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
17.  Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-01223-RP; Siddharth Kode v. Williamson County; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division 
18.  Civil Action No. 1:24-cv-00086; Kailey Padilla v. Daniel Osvaldo Perez and Williamson County; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division 
19.  Civil Action No. 1:24-cv-00318-DII; Laura Pressley et al. v. Jane Nelson et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
20.  Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-00759-RP; Derrick Neal v. Williamson County and Cities Health District, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
21.  Cause No. 23-2583-C480; Chauncy Williams v. Adrianne Pernell, et al.; In the 480th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
22.  Cause No. 3-2566-C480; Williamson County, Texas v. DM Medical Billings, LLC and Dina Mueller; In the 480th Judicial District Court; Williamson County, Texas
c.  Administrative Complaints:
1.  EEOC Charge No. 451-2023-00766 - K.B
d. Claims:
1.  Claim No. 07192023-560-109 - auto liability claim by Edge Electric, Inc. for incident occurring on or about 7/19/2023 
e. Other:
1.  Legal matters relating to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Final Rule Designating Critical Habitat for the Georgetown and Salado Salamanders.
2.  Legal matters pertaining to tax exemptions for private apartment developers under 303.042(f) of the Texas Local Government Code.
54.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on an order declaring an emergency and a grave necessity due to unforeseeable circumstances and approve a budget amendment acknowledging additional revenues for the General Fund. Click to View
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
0100.0000.364100 Insurance Reimbursements $75,000.00
55.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on an order declaring an emergency and a grave necessity due to unforeseeable circumstances and approve a budget amendment acknowledging additional expenditures for Non-Departmental in the General Fund. Click to View
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
0100.0409.004998 Contingencies $425,320.00
Discuss, consider and take appropriate action regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline and/or dismissal of Williamson County officers, directors or employees, including but not limited to any necessary action pertaining to conducting annual reviews of department heads and appointed officials.
57. Comments from Commissioners.
Public Comment Period. The Commissioners Court will conduct a Public Comment Period to allow members of the public to address the Court regarding matters pertaining to or affecting Williamson County but that do not appear as an Agenda Item on a meeting’s Agenda.  During such Public Comment Period, speakers shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) minutes to make his/her remarks and the maximum overall discussion time allowed for the Public Comment Period, regardless of the number of members of the public wishing to address the Court during such period, shall be limited to ten (10) minutes.  Speaking time, to the extent possible, will be evenly allocated among speakers should more than five (5) speakers desire to speak during the Public Comment Period.  Please note that the members of the Court may not comment at the meeting about matters that are not on the agenda.

Bill Gravell, Jr., County Judge

This notice of meeting was posted in the locked box located on the south side of the Williamson County Courthouse, a place readily accessible to the general public at all times, on the 28th day of June 2024 at 4:00 P.M. and remained posted for at least 72 continuous hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.


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