May 21, 2024
9:30 A.M.
The Commissioners Court of Williamson County, Texas will meet in regular session in the Commissioners Courtroom, 710 Main Street, in Georgetown, Texas to consider the following items:
1. Review and approval of minutes.
Hear County Auditor concerning invoices, bills, Quick Check Report, wire transfers and electronic payments submitted for payment and take appropriate action including, but not limited to approval for payment provided said items are found by the County Auditor to be legal obligations of the county.
The Consent Agenda includes non-controversial and routine items that the Court may act on with one single vote. The Judge or a Commissioner may pull any item from the consent agenda in order that the court discuss and act upon it individually as part of the Regular Agenda.
( Items 3 – 18 )
3.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for Non-Departmental.
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
From 0100-0409-004998 Non Dept/Contingencies $113,866.00
To 0100-0409-004711 Non Dept/Tax Appraisal Dist. $113,866.00
4.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for Emergency Services.
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
From 0100-0583-004100 Professional Services $1,500.00
To 0100-0583-004231 Travel $1,500.00
5.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for Juvenile Services.
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
From 0100.0576.004102 Residential Serivces 7,000.00
To 0100.0576.003006 Office Equipment 1,000.00
To 0100.0576.003102 Safety Supplies 1,000.00
To 0100.0576.005003 Equipment > $5,000.00 5,000.00
6.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for Facilities.
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
From 0100.0509.004509 Facility Enhancements $51,900.00
To 0100.0509.004100 Professional Services $51,900.00
From 0100.0509.003005 Office Furniture $5,485.94
From 0100.0509.005003 Equipment > $5,000 $23,400.42
From 0100.0509.005700 Vehicles $30,014.96
To 0100.0509.004510 Facility Maint & Repair $58,901.32
7.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving compensation changes, position title changes, position grade changes, and any corresponding line item transfers.
8.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on approving property tax collections for the month of April 2024 for the Williamson County Tax Assessor/Collector.
9.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action to approve Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3, April 2024 Monthly Report in compliance with Code of Criminal Procedure § 103.005.
10.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving the purchase agreement #2024201 between Williamson County and Yooz, Inc. for Custom PowerPost Development for a total of $1,500.00 and authorize the execution of the agreement.
11.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on approving the purchase #2024200 for the third bulk order for FY24 for budgeted computers and equipment between Dell Technologies, Inc. and Williamson County for a total not-to-exceed amount of $136,035.71, pursuant to the DIR contract #DIR-TSO-3763.
12.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on awarding IFB #24IFB45, Jail Medical Supplies, split on a per item basis, to two (2) responsive bidders: Pacific Star Corporation and Trifecta Equipment, LLC.
13.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on approving a request from the Williamson County Children’s Advocacy Center, Inc. to construct and install improvements to the Leased Premises located at 1811 SE Inner Loop, Georgetown, TX 78626 to serve as outdoor play and therapy space.
14.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on authorizing the Purchasing Agent to advertise and receive sealed responses for Contract Mowing Services for County Right of Way, under IFB #24IFB56.
15.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on authorizing the Purchasing Agent to advertise and receive sealed responses for Ronald Reagan Boulevard Widening, under IFB #24IFB57. Funding source is P336.
16.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on authorizing the Purchasing Agent to advertise and receive sealed responses for East Wilco Hwy Segment 2 Phase 1, under IFB #24IFB59. Funding source is P392.
17.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on Supplemental Work Authorization No 7 to Work Authorization No 4 under Williamson County Contract between Cobb Fenley & Associates, Inc and Williamson County dated July 16, 2019 for On Call Utility Coordination and Relocation for All Williamson County Road and Bridge Capital Improvement Projects. Funding source: 01.0777.0200.009007. 
18.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on Work Authorization No 3 in the amount of $9,900.00 to expire August 31, 2024 under Williamson County Contract for Surveying Services between Diamond Surveying, Inc. and Williamson County dated March 19, 2024 for Chandler Corridor Segment 1 (SH 130 to CR 101). Funding source: P457.


19.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving the resolution for Williamson County EMS proclaiming May 19-25, 2024 as Emergency Medical Services Week.
20.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action regarding the engagement of The Law Office of Randy T. Leavitt to provide legal representation and consulting services to Williamson County, its officials and employees in relation to civil, administrative and other legal matters; and exemption of such services from the competitive bid/proposal requirements of the County Purchasing Act pursuant to the discretionary exemption for personal or professional services, as set forth under Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code § 262.024(a)(4).
21.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 for design services between Williamson County and The Lawrence Group of Architects of Austin, Inc. relating to EMS Medic 42 (P602) New Building.
22.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on an order declaring an emergency and a grave necessity due to unforeseeable circumstances and approve a budget amendment acknowledging additional revenues for the General Fund.
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
0100.0000.364100 Insurance Reimbursements $615,554.63
23.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on an order declaring an emergency and a grave necessity due to unforeseeable circumstances and approve a budget amendment acknowledging additional expenditures for the Facilities Department in the General Fund.
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
0100.0509.004510 Facility Repairs $615,554.63
24.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a line item transfer for the Facilities Department.
Fiscal Impact
From/To Acct No. Description Amount
From 0100.0409.002050 Workers Comp $462,112.64
To 0100.0509.004510 Facility Repairs $462,112.64
25.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on approving the Contract for Construction, #2024198, between Williamson County and Cotton Commercial USA, Inc. DBA Target Solutions, for hail damage re-roofs for the following locations: Round Rock A, B, Texas Avenue, Round Rock Jester and Public Safety buildings for Facilities Management, in the amount of $1,094,906.90, pursuant to Cooperative Contract – TIPS – Contract Number 21060302 and authorize execution of the agreement.
26.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on approving a 2015 CO transfer to move $47,378.21 from P356 (2015 CO Non-Departmental) to P540 (Jail Magistrate). Also, to move $16,068 from P356 (2015 Non-departmental) to P587 (Historic Courthouse Repairs).
27.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on approving a 2021 CIP transfer to close P515 (Justice Center Remodel) and move the remaining funds of $25,837.25 to P540 (Jail Magistrate). Also, to move $126,784.54 from P544 (JJC-Door, Intercom, and Camera) to P540 (Jail Magistrate).
28.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on approving a 2022 CIP transfer to close P573 (SOTC Perimeter wall and fence) and move the remaining funds of 10,765 to P576 (2022 CIP Non-departmental).
29.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on approving a 2023 CIP transfer to close P574 (SOTC Bullet Trap) and move the remaining funds of $258 to P617 (2023 CIP Non-departmental).
30.   Receive the May 2024 Construction Summary Report and PowerPoint Presentation.
31.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on the County’s Atlas 14 Study Update.
32.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action on awarding IFB #24IFB37 Cross Culverts Replacements Phase 2 FY24 to Adams Materials and Excavation LLC in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,068,210.00 and authorize execution of the Agreement.
33.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on Work Authorization No 3 in the amount of $179,590.00 to expire on December 31, 2026 under Williamson County Contract for Engineering Services between Doucet & Associates and Williamson County dated July 16, 2019 for Wilco Site Detention and Water Quality Pond. Funding source: P519.
34.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on Contract Amendment No 3 under Williamson County Contract for Engineering Services between Doucet & Associates, Inc. and Williamson County dated July 16, 2019 for Smith Branch Flood Control and Drainage. Funding source: P519.
35.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on approving a variance request to the Williamson County OSSF Order for Lots 6 and 7, Block A, of the Cove Phase 2 subdivision – Precinct 4.
36.   Discuss, consider, and take appropriate action regarding the Utility Agreement with Manville Water for utility relocations on the CR 129 Project, a Road Bond Project in Commissioner Precinct 4. P:375.
37.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a TXDOT Resolution for an Advanced Funding Agreement for the RM 2243 Realignment project. Funding Source: Road Bond, P326.
38.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on an Advance Funding Agreement for the RM 2243 Realignment project in Williamson County. Funding Source: Road Bonds P326
39.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a right of entry agreement with Colin Strong, Independent executor of the Estate of Jon Strong, Linda I. Strong and Michael Alan Strong for survey needs on the CR 143 project. Funding Source: LTP P457
40.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a resolution determining the necessity and authorizing the use of eminent domain to condemn (0.042 acres, 2.820 acres, 3.715 acres, 28.707 acres, 0.233 acres and 0.152 acres) required for the construction of Hero Way. (JNK Properties 1, Ltd./ Parcels 316, 321, 330 and 335) Funding Source: TANS P588
41.   Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on a resolution determining the necessity and authorizing the use of eminent domain to condemn (0.344 acres) required for the construction of CR 313. (ATC 313 Pro, LLC./ Parcel 1) Funding Source: LTP P457

"The Commissioners Court for Williamson County reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultations with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations regarding Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations regarding Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations regarding Security Devices) and 551.087 (Deliberations regarding Economic Development Negotiations)."

42.   Discuss real estate matters (EXECUTIVE SESSION as per VTCA Govt. Code sec. 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Estate Property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with third person.)
A.    Real Estate Owned by Third Parties
   Preliminary discussions relating to proposed or potential purchase or lease of property owned by third parties
                a)   Discuss the acquisition of real property: CR 332
                b)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for County Facilities.
                c)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for CR 255. 
                d)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for SH 195 @ Ronald Reagan.
                e)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for Corridor H            
                 f)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for future SH 29 corridor. 
                g)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Hero Way.
                h)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Corridor C.
                 i)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Corridor F.
                 j)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Corridor D.
                k)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for SE Loop/Corridor A. 
                 l)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for Ronald Reagan Widening.
               m)   Discuss the acquisition of drainage/detention easements for real property North of WMCO Juvenile Detention Center
                n)   Discuss acquisition of right of way for Corridor E.
                o)   Discuss the acquisition of 321 Ed Schmidt Blvd., #300, Hutto, Texas
                p)   Discuss the acquisition of right of way for Bagdad Road/CR 279.
                q)   Discuss the acquisition of right of way for CR 314.
                r)   Discuss acquisition of right of way for Corridor J. 
                s)   Discuss the acquisition of real property for Southwestern Blvd. 
                 t)   Discuss the acquisition of right-of-way for CR 313. 
                u)   Discuss the acquisition of right of way and potential litigation settlement for CR 245. 
                v)   Discuss acquisition of real property located near 6531 RM 2243, Leander, Texas 

B.   Property or Real Estate owned by Williamson County
      Preliminary discussions relating to proposed or potential sale or lease of property owned by the County
    a)    Discuss County owned real estate containing underground water rights and interests.
    b)    Discuss possible uses of property owned by Williamson County on Main St. between 3rd and 4th Streets. (Formerly occupied by WCCHD)        
    c)    Sale of property located 747 County Rd. 138 Hutto, Texas
    d)    Discuss Blue Springs Blvd. property
43.   Discussion regarding economic development negotiations pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.087:
        Business prospect(s) that may locate or expand within Williamson County.
  a) Project Skyfall  
  b) Project Soul Train  
  c) Project School Bus
44. Discuss pending or contemplated litigation, settlement matters and other confidential attorney-client legal matters (EXECUTIVE SESSION as per Section 551.071, Texas Government Code, "Consultation with Attorney"), including the following:

a. General:
1. Litigation or claims or potential litigation or claims against the County or by the County
2. Status Update-Pending Cases or Claims
3. Employee/personnel related matters
4. Other confidential attorney-client matters, including contracts and certain matters related to county defense issues in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body within the attorney/client relationship clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
b. Litigation:
1.   Cause No. 19-0850-C368; County of Williamson vs. Purdue Pharma, LP et al., In the District Court of Williamson County, Texas/County of Williamson v. Purdue Pharma, L.P., et al., MDL PRETRIAL CAUSE NO. 2018-63587, in the 152d District Court of Harris County, Texas. 
2.   Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00074-LY; Scott Phillip Lewis v. Williamson County, Texas; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
3.   Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00374-RP; Gary Watsky v. Williamson County, Texas, and Robert Chody, Mark Luera, Steve Deaton, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
4.   Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00615-LY; Bernardo Acosta v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
5.   Cause No. 22-0159-C395; Gary Watsky v.  Mike Gleason, et al.; In the 395th District Court of Williamson County, Texas
6.   Civil Action No. 1:22-cv-00254-RP; Rodney A. Hurdsman, #0217082 v. Mike Gleason, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
7.   Cause No. 22-2067-C395; Chauncy Williams v. Williamson County Attorney's Office Victim Services Division, et al.; In the 395th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
8.   Civil Action No. 4:22-cv-00576-P; Kyle Strongin, et al. v. Williamson County, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas
9.   Cause No. 22-1213-C425; Williamson County, Texas v. Ritter Botkin Prime Construction Company, Inc. and Argonaut Insurance Company; In the 425th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
10. Cause No. 22-1359-C368; Williamson County, Texas v. Ritter, Botkin Prime Construction Company, Inc. and Great American Insurance Company of New York; In the 368th Judicial Court of Williamson County, Texas
11. Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-00019; Cindy McNatt, individually and as dependent administrator of Estate of Joshua Ray McNatt, et al. v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
12. Cause No. 23-0297-C368; Texas Fair Defense Project v. Williamson County Sheriff’s Office; In the 368th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas 
13. Cause No. 23-0612-C395; Kirsten Davis v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the 395th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
14. Cause No. 23-1061-C368; Heather Lorenzen v. Williamson County; In the 368th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
15. Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-01120; Jeremy Story v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
16.  Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-01117-RP; Adam Mirelez #02413581 v. Llano County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
17.  Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-01223-RP; Siddharth Kode v. Williamson County; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division 
18.  Civil Action No. 1:24-cv-00086; Kailey Padilla v. Daniel Osvaldo Perez and Williamson County; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division 
19.  Civil Action No. 1:24-cv-00318-DII; Laura Pressley et al. v. Jane Nelson et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
20.  Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-00759-RP; Derrick Neal v. Williamson County and Cities Health District, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
21.  Cause No. 23-2583-C480; Chauncy Williams v. Adrianne Pernell, et al.; In the 480th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
22.  Cause No. 3-2566-C480; Williamson County, Texas v. DM Medical Billings, LLC and Dina Mueller; In the 480th Judicial District Court; Williamson County, Texas
c.  Administrative Complaints:
1.  EEOC Charge No. 451-2023-00766 - K.B
d. Claims:
1.  Claim No. 07192023-560-109 - auto liability claim by Edge Electric, Inc. for incident occurring on or about 7/19/2023 
e. Other:
1.  Legal matters relating to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Final Rule Designating Critical Habitat for the Georgetown and Salado Salamanders.
2.  Legal matters pertaining to tax exemptions for private apartment developers under 303.042(f) of the Texas Local Government Code.
45. Discuss security assessments or deployments relating to information resources technology; network security information as described by Texas Gov’t Code Section 2059.055(b); and/or (3)  the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel, critical infrastructure, or security devices. (Executive Session as per Texas Gov’t. Code § 551.089).
46. Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline and/or dismissal of Williamson County officers, directors, employees and/or positions, including but not limited to conducting deliberation and discussion pertaining to annual reviews of department heads and appointed officials (Executive Session as per Tex. Gov. Code Section 551.074 – Personnel Matters).
47. Discuss the deployment or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices; or security audits in relation to the Williamson County Justice Center/Williamson County Courthouse (Executive Session as per Texas Gov’t. Code § 551.076).
REGULAR AGENDA (continued)
48. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning economic development.
49. Discuss and take appropriate action concerning real estate.
50. Discuss, consider and take appropriate action on pending or contemplated litigation, settlement matters and other legal matters, including the following:

a. General:
1. Litigation or claims or potential litigation or claims against the County or by the County
2. Status Update-Pending Cases or Claims
3. Employee/personnel related matters
4. Other confidential attorney-client matters, including contracts and certain matters related to county defense issues in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body within the attorney/client relationship clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
b. Litigation:
1.   Cause No. 19-0850-C368; County of Williamson vs. Purdue Pharma, LP et al., In the District Court of Williamson County, Texas/County of Williamson v. Purdue Pharma, L.P., et al., MDL PRETRIAL CAUSE NO. 2018-63587, in the 152d District Court of Harris County, Texas. 
2.   Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00074-LY; Scott Phillip Lewis v. Williamson County, Texas; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
3.   Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00374-RP; Gary Watsky v. Williamson County, Texas, and Robert Chody, Mark Luera, Steve Deaton, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
4.   Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-00615-LY; Bernardo Acosta v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
5.   Cause No. 22-0159-C395; Gary Watsky v.  Mike Gleason, et al.; In the 395th District Court of Williamson County, Texas
6.   Civil Action No. 1:22-cv-00254-RP; Rodney A. Hurdsman, #0217082 v. Mike Gleason, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
7.   Cause No. 22-2067-C395; Chauncy Williams v. Williamson County Attorney's Office Victim Services Division, et al.; In the 395th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
8.   Civil Action No. 4:22-cv-00576-P; Kyle Strongin, et al. v. Williamson County, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas
9.   Cause No. 22-1213-C425; Williamson County, Texas v. Ritter Botkin Prime Construction Company, Inc. and Argonaut Insurance Company; In the 425th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
10. Cause No. 22-1359-C368; Williamson County, Texas v. Ritter, Botkin Prime Construction Company, Inc. and Great American Insurance Company of New York; In the 368th Judicial Court of Williamson County, Texas
11. Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-00019; Cindy McNatt, individually and as dependent administrator of Estate of Joshua Ray McNatt, et al. v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
12. Cause No. 23-0297-C368; Texas Fair Defense Project v. Williamson County Sheriff’s Office; In the 368th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas 
13. Cause No. 23-0612-C395; Kirsten Davis v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the 395th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
14. Cause No. 23-1061-C368; Heather Lorenzen v. Williamson County; In the 368th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
15. Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-01120; Jeremy Story v. Williamson County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
16.  Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-01117-RP; Adam Mirelez #02413581 v. Llano County, Texas, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
17.  Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-01223-RP; Siddharth Kode v. Williamson County; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division 
18.  Civil Action No. 1:24-cv-00086; Kailey Padilla v. Daniel Osvaldo Perez and Williamson County; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division 
19.  Civil Action No. 1:24-cv-00318-DII; Laura Pressley et al. v. Jane Nelson et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
20.  Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-00759-RP; Derrick Neal v. Williamson County and Cities Health District, et al.; In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Austin Division
21.  Cause No. 23-2583-C480; Chauncy Williams v. Adrianne Pernell, et al.; In the 480th Judicial District Court of Williamson County, Texas
22.  Cause No. 3-2566-C480; Williamson County, Texas v. DM Medical Billings, LLC and Dina Mueller; In the 480th Judicial District Court; Williamson County, Texas
c.  Administrative Complaints:
1.  EEOC Charge No. 451-2023-00766 - K.B
d. Claims:
1.  Claim No. 07192023-560-109 - auto liability claim by Edge Electric, Inc. for incident occurring on or about 7/19/2023 
e. Other:
1.  Legal matters relating to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Final Rule Designating Critical Habitat for the Georgetown and Salado Salamanders.
2.  Legal matters pertaining to tax exemptions for private apartment developers under 303.042(f) of the Texas Local Government Code.

Discuss, consider and take appropriate action regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline and/or dismissal of Williamson County officers, directors or employees, including but not limited to any necessary action pertaining to conducting annual reviews of department heads and appointed officials.

52. Comments from Commissioners.
Public Comment Period. The Commissioners Court will conduct a Public Comment Period to allow members of the public to address the Court regarding matters pertaining to or affecting Williamson County but that do not appear as an Agenda Item on a meeting’s Agenda.  During such Public Comment Period, speakers shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) minutes to make his/her remarks and the maximum overall discussion time allowed for the Public Comment Period, regardless of the number of members of the public wishing to address the Court during such period, shall be limited to ten (10) minutes.  Speaking time, to the extent possible, will be evenly allocated among speakers should more than five (5) speakers desire to speak during the Public Comment Period.  Please note that the members of the Court may not comment at the meeting about matters that are not on the agenda.

Bill Gravell, Jr., County Judge

This notice of meeting was posted in the locked box located on the south side of the Williamson County Courthouse, a place readily accessible to the general public at all times, on the 16th day of May 2024 at 5:00 P.M. and remained posted for at least 72 continuous hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.